Monday, February 28, 2011

Creative Pursuits

Erica Jong said, “If you don’t risk anything, you risk more”. To me this means that if you don't risk it to get the biscuit, you'll never even get the chance get that biscuit. If you always think about what might go wrong in a situation instead of what might go right, the paranoia might cause you to lose the most fulfilling enjoyment in life, the journey it'self. I watched a movie where a lady was scared to leave her appartment, what a boring movie but it had good lessons to be learned. She knew she was miserable and unhappy but still continued to stay confined inside her apartment because of the risks of the outside world. Later on after being pushed multiple times to go outside by her neighbour she luckily realizes that the risks of the outside world are worth enduring in order to do something she liked or loved. In my opinion if you want to succeed with anything you need to sacrifice, be it your money, time, body, love, or anything else it may be. I believe what you put into the world puts back into you, be it good or bad.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Walk A Paragraph In Someone Else's Shoes

I wake up to my alarm clock ringing this morning at the same time I do everyday, 5 a.m. I turn my head feeling all too surreal and stare at the left side of the bed where my wife used to sleep until the accident. I put a dirty shirt on that I see on the ground and find some torn jeans in a pile of under my mattress.  I begin to make my coffee to begin my day just like every other day, and begin to contemplate on how boring the retired life is, just like every other day. I can hear the TV in the living room, I must have left it on from last night. I sit down on my couch and sink into the indent from my body in the couch while turning on the morning news to get my fix of Canada A.M. for the next 2 hours. After finishing watching Canada A.M. I enjoy tending to my vegetable garden each morning, it's one of the few things I do enjoy nowadays. No need to worry about being late to work when your retired, it's getting close to 9:15 and that means that it's time for me to head to the mall. I put my green toque, blue jacket, brown shoes, and one red glove one. I take the same route everyday to get to the mall and head into Save-On-Foods to wander around, I just thoroughly enjoy the atmosphere of Save-On-Foods in the morning. After about 30 minutes of wandering around Save-On-Foods I continue to wander the rest of the mall until i get bored enough to wander back home.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

21st Century Education

The ability to communicate and explain yourself to others are the most important skills that you are going to need for your post-high school life. I believe we are indeed developing these skills in high school, but not to the fullest extent of what we could be or what we should be. I believe this because in each and every school it's very easy to see that there are alienated and isolated kids that try to hide their emotions and thoughts deep inside themselves, keeping them bottled up, which in the end is obviously not healthy and could interfere with that person becoming an active member of society. The perfect school would work on your time during the day where you choose which time to attend your classes within reason. You would be taught the lesson and then let go from there with no time to work in class, This will strain out the kids who want to further their education with the ones that don't. For the ones who don't want to further their education will be required to become an active member of society and recieve and brainless 9-5 job. Also everyone should be required to listen to Wu-Tang Clan. Not the most convenient way of schooling, but it would be the best in my opinion. Next year i will be listening to Wu-Tang Clan.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Skittles Rule the World

Out of all the superpowers in the world that I could possibly have, I would choose the ability to turn everything I touch to Skittles© and manipulate them, with being able to turn it on or off.  I would make tidal waves of Skittles© that I would surf on with my board of Skittles©. Every Saturday would be Skittles© Saturday where I ride my rainbow of Skittles© making it rain skittles from the sky by turning the clouds into Skittles©, mostly over the third-world countries to boost morale and drop off some candy. The kids would consider me as a better version of Santa Clause, except instead of driving around with a bunch of deer, I'll be driving a god dam tidal wave of Skittles©.  Just like Scrooge McDuck would begin his mornings by diving into his vault full of cash, I would start my morning everyday by diving into my vault full of Skittles© and then basking in it's greatness.  The military would realize my great power and hire me to design new age weapons like the S-Bomb which would replace the A-Bomb. Not only would it do massive amounts of destruction, but it would fill a whole populated city full of Skittles© causing them to have to clean it up for days on end with me watching in hysterical amusement. I would recreate different dinosaurs with my Skittles© powers and have them battle each other in the biggest cities in the world while I ride the biggest and best T-Rex with a Buffalo cannon shooting  Buffalo made of Skittles© at the other dinosaurs. I would turn all the planets and moons in the solar system into Skittles© that light up the nights sky so everyone can admire them at night completely defying the laws of physics.