Monday, February 7, 2011

Skittles Rule the World

Out of all the superpowers in the world that I could possibly have, I would choose the ability to turn everything I touch to Skittles© and manipulate them, with being able to turn it on or off.  I would make tidal waves of Skittles© that I would surf on with my board of Skittles©. Every Saturday would be Skittles© Saturday where I ride my rainbow of Skittles© making it rain skittles from the sky by turning the clouds into Skittles©, mostly over the third-world countries to boost morale and drop off some candy. The kids would consider me as a better version of Santa Clause, except instead of driving around with a bunch of deer, I'll be driving a god dam tidal wave of Skittles©.  Just like Scrooge McDuck would begin his mornings by diving into his vault full of cash, I would start my morning everyday by diving into my vault full of Skittles© and then basking in it's greatness.  The military would realize my great power and hire me to design new age weapons like the S-Bomb which would replace the A-Bomb. Not only would it do massive amounts of destruction, but it would fill a whole populated city full of Skittles© causing them to have to clean it up for days on end with me watching in hysterical amusement. I would recreate different dinosaurs with my Skittles© powers and have them battle each other in the biggest cities in the world while I ride the biggest and best T-Rex with a Buffalo cannon shooting  Buffalo made of Skittles© at the other dinosaurs. I would turn all the planets and moons in the solar system into Skittles© that light up the nights sky so everyone can admire them at night completely defying the laws of physics.

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