Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Perception Is Everything

The theme of the presentation by Beau Otto on optical illusions is to make you critically think about how you preceive your senses, surroundings and interactions. The way we observe stars is an illusion to the eye because let's say the star is 25,000 light years away, this means that the light has been traveling for 25,000 years to get to your eye. So say that you're seeing light that left the star 24,000 years ago, when it was still burning. But at exactly 25,000 years ago, it somehow stopped emitting light and burned out. So in 1,000 years from now, that star, if you were looking at it, would stop being visible.
Even from small things such as food we preceive it differently compared to others depending on many factors that contribute to your development. Things we take for granted might be chreished by others in different cultures. For example people in Canada feed ducks with pieces of bread, while people in third-world countries might kill other people for a peice of that bread. Also in China because of the culutral differences they eat dog, while this is unthinkable to us they do it because they have to, not so much because they want to.
If a person looks into the sky and see's green, while another person looks into the sky and see's red, I say enjoy it, atleast you can see a colourful world.

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