Monday, June 6, 2011

55 Fiction

In a back alley in the city of San Diego a battle rages on between Kahn Burgundy,  and his channel 4 news team, and 3 other highly cut-throat news teams for the bragging rights of top news channel in town. The battle continues for 3 days straight, until only Kahn and his news team prevails.

Friday, May 20, 2011


The worst thing about buying Skittles is that by the time you know it, they're all gone. The Skittles package is just too small, even the bulk skittles packages are not enough.  I have been incredibly dissappointed with size of the new Skittles packages, even though they are about 50% bigger, they're still not enough! To satisfy my need for skittles, i'll need a garbage can full of Skittles, or even a pool full of skittles. What's a better way to start your day than diving into a pool of skittles filled with dolphins. I have written multiple letters to the Skittles head office about the size of the packages, but have never been given a reply. Maybe they don't take me seriously when I say I need a garbage can full of skittles to satisify my Skittle needs, but they should because im a serious consumer. Nearly half of my income goes towards buying Skittles for my pet Ox and I, either i need more skittles per package, or lessen the price per package. People stare at me when i'm walking down the streets with my beverage hat full of skittles and mumble that im "crazy", but I say they're crazy for not indulging on the enjoyment of Skittles.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

The Road Less Traveled

I believe it is important to be passionate about your job, but it is definatly not needed. I'm sure workers at McDonalds don't dream of working at McDonalds, unless their ideals conform with McDonalds i'm pretty sure that that's not the job their dreaming of as a child. My dad has never known what his dream job would be, he asks me "Nate what do you want to do for the rest of your life?", as always I say "not sure, haven't quite figured it out yet", "ya me neither" he responds. My dad is 50 and still doesn't know what he wants to do with the rest of his life or what his dream job is at that. He owns and runs a bussiness with my mom selling landscaping rock and dirt after logging for 33 years of his life. It's easy to see that he takes each day by day enoying them to the most possible, with little worry/planning for the future. I believe this is how most people should act but it will never be because of the materialistic society we live in, people always have to have "the best" this and "the best" that, always saving and borrowing something they don't have. Through my father it is easy for me to see that I don't need to know what I want to do for the rest of my life, as long as i enjoy what i do now and understand my capabilities for the future. I don't know what I want to do for the rest of my life but I am certainly attending post-secondary here in penticton to further my education, because it's a privalage and not a right.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Novel Research

Anothony Burgess' novel A Clockwork Orange was published in 1962, it was inspired by an incident during WWII in which his wife was robbed and assaulted by deserters from the U.S. army, after which may have led to her subsequent miscarriage, causing her to become depressed and an alcoholic and later killing herself from alcohol. The book was an exqmination of free will and morality. In the book there were originally 21 chapters, meaning to match the age of maturity, but when it is published in America the publishers take the last chapter out ,saying the American audience wouldn't go for it, in which Alex is happily cured. The last chapter is then replaced with a dark mood ending. Anthony Burgess didn't fully agree with the way Stanley Kubrik portrayed his book in the movie of A Clockwork Orange, saying "a jeu d'esprit knocked off for money in three weeks, it became known as the raw material for a film which seemed to glorify sex and violence."

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Writing A Review

After waking up this morning I walk upstairs to grab a bowl of cereal. I open my cupboard to a sun smiling at me while carrying two scoops of raisens in his hands, and that's all the motivation I need start my day with some two scoops of raisens. Raisen Bran is easily one of the best cereals i have had the pleasure to recently indulge in. The two scoops of raisens really make the difference when it comes down to it because without them it would just be like eating a really bad bowl of corn flakes.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Perception Is Everything

The theme of the presentation by Beau Otto on optical illusions is to make you critically think about how you preceive your senses, surroundings and interactions. The way we observe stars is an illusion to the eye because let's say the star is 25,000 light years away, this means that the light has been traveling for 25,000 years to get to your eye. So say that you're seeing light that left the star 24,000 years ago, when it was still burning. But at exactly 25,000 years ago, it somehow stopped emitting light and burned out. So in 1,000 years from now, that star, if you were looking at it, would stop being visible.
Even from small things such as food we preceive it differently compared to others depending on many factors that contribute to your development. Things we take for granted might be chreished by others in different cultures. For example people in Canada feed ducks with pieces of bread, while people in third-world countries might kill other people for a peice of that bread. Also in China because of the culutral differences they eat dog, while this is unthinkable to us they do it because they have to, not so much because they want to.
If a person looks into the sky and see's green, while another person looks into the sky and see's red, I say enjoy it, atleast you can see a colourful world.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

The Perils Of Indifference(The Opposite of Love)

The Apathy of Society

The ending of "The Lottery" is shocking for most readers. The graphic violence of the stoning seems completely bizarre for the members of a community that at first appeared so "normal" and passive because normal people usually don't stone other people to death. Sacrifice in other cultures might be/have been common for them, but as North Americans sacrifice has never been a way of life and is completly ludacris. To even consider stoning someone in our culture is completly rediculous. Elie's speech is about critically thinking about our actions and the actions of our leaders, and the way our actions can effect ourselves and others. The community in "The Lottery" without thinking twice of their actions blindly follow tradition instead of sensability and continue to stone one of their community members to death. Elie warns people of blindly following in his speech while the members of the community in "The Lottery" do exactly what he warns people not to do and they willingly stone a community member to death without thinking about it just because it's a tradition to the community.